Friday, March 20, 2009

Into the Woods...err Shop

Wow, it's been a while. Sorry about that. I'll do more of a recap of the past week sometime this weekend when I've gotten more rest.

I will tell you about yesterday. For the show Wendell Berry (that's not it's real name, but I don't know exactly what it's called, it's a show the head of ATL co-wrote about the works of Wendell Berry) calls for a pretty slim set, except for these huge 20 foot tall trees. The other day, Elliot and I went over to a local supply store to pick up sono tubes. After we got them back Taj worked on sanding off the wax that is on it, then muslin and a mixture of wood glue and paint were applied to the tube.

After that was dry, we had to do a treatment on the trees using dry-vit. Dry-vit is basically this thick, almost grits consistentecy, medium used for insulation, kind of like stucco. We had to apply this on the trees in sections, and then scrap lines into it to give it a textured bark effect. It really doesn't take that long to do the tubes, but it does take it a long time to dry (about 12 hours). Because of this, we couldn't do full tubes because it would be resting on itself. We thought it would take longer and we had planned to divide into groups and work two shifts during the weekend. The first shift took the afternoon off yesterday, and then the second took it today. By the end of the day it was apparent that we probably wouldn't be coming in over the weekend, because Joe and I were able to finish the trees so that they all had half a tree covered, but it was still up in the air. I told Joe that I wanted to stand the trees up and pretend I was in a forest in the shop to which he replied, "Then you can be in your own personal production of Into the Woods." I like this idea.

Yesterday was the opening for Under Construction. We ended up getting empty seat passes, so we figured we wouldn't get in because it was in our smallest stage. Luckily, Slasher was playing, so we ended up going to that. It was hilarious, so much better than when I had read it a couple of months back. The show really played up that it was campy, and that it knew it. I love shows like that, because it just ends up coming across as fun, not like other shows that are campy and try to be serious. We headed down to the bar like always and hung out for some drinks.

Today was a pretty slow day. It was my half day, and things were pretty slow and quiet at the shop. I spent the morning putting away a ton of props that had yet to be put away from at least January to gear up for college weekend and the tours of the shop. Today also was the opening for Brink, the apprentice show. Since that show was sold out for the opening, we went as a group to watch a final run through of the show. I worked on a ton of the props, so it was good to see a lot of my work on stage.

After Brink, I was told that I wouldn't have to come in, but I ended up getting out about 2 hours early. It's going to be nice to have a weekend where I can relax, and maybe read some of the books that I have pushed aside that past couple of months.

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