Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Day I Became the Crazy Corn Syrup Lady....

Today was hectic. And it wasn't because of the stress of Humana looming over the shop.

Today, driving into work, my tire blew. This is the second tire that I have gone through since being here. I have horrible luck with tires, so this shouldn't come as much of a surprise, but it made my day a little more hectic. Doc helped me during lunch getting my spare on, and both Mark and Doc made sure I had a ride to get back to work after I dropped off my car, and a ride to go pick up my car. It was conveniently during trips to and from the theatre. Can I just tell you how much I love my coworkers and how amazing people they are??

My poor car :(

I began work finishing up some projects left over from yesterday, and afterwards I was at a standstill of things to do. Mark had to pick up some things for me to the projects I was assigned today so I ended up taking the van to Kroger to pick up some things for Slasher.

And by some things, I mean 20 bottles of corn syrup and three jars of pickles.

The thing is, we normally buy out most of the corn syrup in town during October when we run our annual production of Dracula (corn syrup=fake blood...see?) and it's a normal occurrence for them then, but when it's March and someone buys out almost the entirety of the two cheapest brands of corn syrup you get funny looks. To top it off I had to buy some pickles (a pickle jar gets thrown so we needed to make a plastic jar, but the plastic jar is much bigger than the normal glass pickle jar so I had to get more to put in so it didn't look weird).

The thing is, nobody asked me why I had what I had in my cart. I had the perfect, best excuse ever "You see I work at Actors Theatre, and I'm making fake blood for a show that we are doing that is set on a slasher-horror film shoot" As someone who once worked as a cashier (for many, many years) I would have been curious, but I guess that's just me.

The day ended with me making another trip out, this time to pick up a light and stand from a light company and making more of my bean bag babies.

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