Monday, March 9, 2009

Case of the Mondays

Today was spent with more glueing of the moss to the stage. During tech weekend, all of the moss that we had worked on during Friday was completely gone (apparently there are a number of fight scenes on our fragile moss). We didn't do as much as we had done the first time, and hopefully the moss will have adequate time to dry tonight (the theatre is dark) so that not all of it will be gone during performances. The show opens on Thursday.

Joe and Elliot worked on the tree some more, since one of the branches was trimmed from the tree. We ate lunch downtown, and by 3:30 Taj and I were headed back to the shop. That's 6 hours of back breaking moss glueing non-fun. I was drained, especially since we had already spent a full day Friday doing the same task. Doing that one thing for so long completely wiped me out, and it didn't help that it was done on a Monday.

When I got back to the shop I had a couple of small projects. Alice wanted me to make a bag for the American flag that they were using in Brink. Afterwards, I went to help Joe and Elliot and then ended up going back to the theatre with Taj and Elliot to strike the Hard Weather Boating Party furniture from the stage. It had gotten placed there for light focus, and is in rotation with Slasher, so it had to be moved for Slasher's performance tomorrow. By the time we got back it was time to leave for the day.

Well, I'm off to make dinner and then head to bed.

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